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Leather Kitten and Raccoon Boy Chapter 1 Remastered - Special Edition


The completely remastered version of chapter 1, plus extra fanart and the old version!

Remastered Version: 1 Colored Cover page, 21 Pages black and white and 3 colored Fanarts (From diffrent artists!)

Old Chapter 1: 1 Colored Cover Page, 16 Pages black and white and 1 Colored Fanart (By Tsinji)

Story: The beginning of Natsuko's and Nick's adventures as Leather Kitten and Raccoon Boy. See how they become heroes and how they fight criminals, robbers and kidnappers!

Some one is Kidnapping girls in Tokyo! Will they be able to stop them???

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Leather Kitten and Raccoon Boy Chapter 1 Remastered - Special Edition

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